There are so many more fun things to do in life than homework! And, thus it may be difficult to motivate your child to do it. Each child has a different personality and lifestyle and is motivated differently. What works for one child may not for the other. Test out all strategies to find out what works best for each child.
Find the Right Study Location and Have It Organized with School Supplies
Make sure the location is comfortable, allows ample space, and is away from distractions, if your child is easily distracted. It can be at the kitchen table, or at a computer desk.
Try to Schedule a Consistent Time to do Homework
Test what time of day works best for your child and try to stick to this time each day, so it becomes routine. Some students have sports after school; some do not. Some need a break when they get home; some like to dive into homework right away. Some are night owls. Avoid procrastination. And, don’t fall behind on assignments. Try to teach time management skills.
Set Goals/Take Breaks
You may want to start out setting a specified time to work on homework. If it is too long, give a break or two. If a homework assignment seems too daunting, break it down into smaller tasks. You may want to consider starting out with the most difficult homework assignment and establish a reward system for finished homework.
Help with Stress Management
If you see your child has anxiety about homework talk with them about it. Be a caring listener and help them come up with a solution to overcome it. Instill positive thinking. Teach them deep breathing techniques, even simple meditation. This is a skill they can use all their life!
Be a Good Role Model
Show your child that we all have responsibilities in life and that you also must set aside time to accomplish them.
Be Enthusiastic about Learning
Show the value of what they are learning in school and how it will help them in their future life.
Ensure Proper Nutrition and Rest
It is difficult for anyone to accomplish anything when they are either hungry or tired. Feed your child nutritious food and ensure they get enough sleep at night to provide the right energy and to promote greater concentration.

Promote Balance in Life
Everyone has responsibilities, but we all need to balance it out with fun time. Make sure your child finds this balance in life!
If you find that your child still struggles with homework, then maybe you need a tutor! Contact me😊 530.863.7661